Better2Know Regular Condoms (10 Pack)
Pasante Feel Condoms (3 Pack)
Pasante Female Non-Latex Condoms (3 Pack)
Pasante Gentle Light Lube
A light water-based lube. Clear, odourless, non-staining lubricant for gentle lubrication (75ml).
Pasante Infinity Delay Condoms (3 Pack)
Pasante Strawberry Lube
A water-based, strawberry flavoured lube for gentle lubrication (75ml).
Pasante Taste Flavoured Condoms (12 Pack)
A 12 pack of coloured condoms in four flavours for tasty fun.
Pasante Tingling Mint Lube
A water-based, peppermint flavoured lube for extra stimulation (75ml).
Pasante Unique Non-Latex Condoms (3 Pack)
A 3 pack of the world`s thinnest condom (lubricated and non-latex).